Drs. Schneider and Corley’s groundbreaking 2002 workbook, Disclosing Secrets, addressed the impact of disclosure on both addicts and their partners. Their subsequent research showed that the impact of disclosure is very different for partners than addicts. Surviving Disclosure, helps partners better understand the trauma resulting from the addict’s behaviours and offers a step-by-step guide for how to begin the healing process, prepare for the impact of living with an addict (even an addict in recovery), and deal with shame, anger and fear. The book describes what to tell the children and others, how to promote self-care and well-being no matter what the addict does, and how to set boundaries as part of rebuilding trust. Relationships can heal and partners can thrive after disclosure.
About the Author
Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D. received her B.S. from Cornell University, her M.S. and Ph.D. in Human Genetics from the University of Michigan, and her M.D. from the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management. After practicing Internal Medicine for many years, she then specialized in treating patients who were living with chronic pain. In addition, for over 25 years she has been a researcher, speaker, and author in the field of compulsive sexual disorders, with a special interest in the effect of sex addiction on the family. Dr. Schneider has been Associate Editor of the journal Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity for many years, and has authored many articles, book chapters, and several books in the field. In 1998 she won the Patrick Carnes Award for lifetime contribution to the sex addiction field and in 2007 the SASH Award for lifetime contributions to research in the sex addiction field. M. Deborah Corley, Ph.D. received her B.A. from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University. She is co-founder and co-owner of Santé Center for Healing, a residential treatment center for addictions near Denton, Texas. She serves as clinical consultant to the Santé treatment team and faculty for the courses Santé co-sponsors for professionals with the UT Southwestern Medical School. She won the 2008 Merit Award from Society of the Advancement for Sexual Health (SASH), the 1999 Carnes Award for outstanding achievement in the field of sex addiction and was the co-recipient with Dr. Schneider of the Clinician’s Most Valuable Article Award by the American Foundation for Addiction Research in 2003 for their work on disclosure. She is the past president of the Board for SASH and a clinical member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Licensed both as an addiction treatment specialist and marriage and family therapist, Deb has over 25 years of experience working with and conducting research on addictive disorders and high risk families. As an international speaker in the US and Canada, her focus on treatment of addictions, trauma resolution, disclosure, interpersonal neurobiology and meeting attachment needs is well received.