Beyond Betrayal
Beyond Betrayal: How God is Healing Women (and Couples) from Infidelity Sexual addiction and infidelity have reached epidemic proportions. This is not just the case in secular society, but also in the church, with 64% of Christian men admitting to using porn monthly. The result...
Lisa Taylor
Courageous Love: A Couples Guide to Conquering Betrayal Courageous Love
Courageous Love: A Couples Guide to Conquering Betrayal Leading marriage expert Dr. Stefanie Carnes explains her time-tested strategy to help couples conquer fear and restore their trust, intimacy and connection following a betrayal. There is nothing that can rupture the loving connection between a couple...
Stefanie Carnes
Disclosing Secrets An Addict's Guide for When, to Whom, and How Much to Reveal Disclosing Secrets:
Disclosing Secrets: An Addict's Guide for When, to Whom, and How Much to Reveal Based on the latest research of the impact of disclosure, this updated and rewritten edition of Disclosing Secrets presents the best approach for addressing one of the most difficult challenges any...
Jennifer P. Schneider & M. Deborah Corley
Facing Heartbreak Facing Heartbreak
Facing Heartbreak: Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts When you discover that the person you loved and trusted most in the world is hiding a secret life as a sex addict, the result can be devastating. Facing that heartbreak is what this book...
Stefanie Carnes, Mari A. Lee & Anthony Rodriguez
Facing The Shadow
Facing the Shadow [3rd Edition]: Starting Sexual and Relationship Recovery For all addicts, a moment comes when they realize they have a problem. There is sudden clarity--the insight that life has become unmanageable. That moment, however, is fragile. It is easily lost to craving and...
Patrick Carnes, PhD
Full Disclosure Full Disclosure: Volume 1
Full Disclosure: How to Share the Truth After Sexual Betrayal Have your secret sexual behaviours recently been discovered? Are you stuck in knowing what to share, how much to share, and how to not traumatize your partner with too many gory details about your past?...
Dan Drake & Janice Caudill
Full disclosure: Volume 2
Full Disclosure: Seeking Truth After Sexual Betrayal - Volume Two for Partners: Preparing for Disclosure on Your Terms Have you discovered sexual betrayal? Are you unable to heal your heart and relationship from betrayal trauma without knowing the full truth? Have you determined that you...
Janice Caudill & Dan Drake
Help Her Heal: An Empathy Workbook for Sex Addicts to Help their Partners Heal Help Her Heal
Help Her Heal: An Empathy Workbook for Sex Addicts to Help their Partners Heal Carol Juergenen Sheets and Allan J. Katz have created a workbook/roadmap for rebuilding relationships damaged by sexual addiction and other forms of infidelity. With a focus on empathy – understanding what...
Carol Juergenen Sheets & Allan J. Katz